Backpacker Magazine has picked EVERNEW Non Stick Titanium Frying Pan for a Holiday Gift 2011!!
Thank you all for loving our Cookwares!
With campfires banned in so many beloved backcountry spots, a decent fry pan becomes essential for cooking the important essentials like eggs and fish. Evernew’s frying pan comes through on all counts, and can pull double duty as a lid for my cookpot, or as a shallow double boiler. I slap a little butter (or ghee, which is more shelf-stable) and a side of freshly-caught trout in this pan and get a great result without breaking any backcountry fire regulations. The nonstick coating is a silicon-ceramic variety, and I experienced little stickage on a 7-night outing in Wyoming’s Wind Rivers. (Note: as with all titanium cookware heat dispersion is not great so be diligent while frying).